Normally, visitors to this site find foot notes and related documentation to read and determine for themselves the facts behind my statements. However, this is a commentary on my personal beliefs demonstrated within the entire collection of my previous blogs. Its purpose is to portray the dangers of Elected Officials putting self interests BEFORE the common good of citizens and the devastating effects their actions have on our country, the Bill of Rights and our Constitution.
Do-Gooders are trying to legislate their belief systems...When any issue cannot be resolved, it should not fall under the purview of government regulations. Abortion, gun control and religion (among others) have been debated for ions. There are no right or wrong solutions, simply pros and cons on either side of the debate. However, over the past few decades, a growing group of unethical elected officials, in an attempt to please their benefactors, HAVE PASSED 'moral laws' throwing the citizens of this nation into legal battles over unsolvable issues. What should be very private has gone VERY PUBLIC and volatile.

Now the whole focus of our government seems to revolve around these particular topics. Citizens, Lobbyists, Religious Organizations, etc. are either demanding repeal of the laws OR more and stricter ones. The concept of doing what is right for the entire country within the boundaries defined by the Constitution is falling aside into the shadows. The debacle is creating Civil Strife.
Accusations litter the media while campaign trails and our government's effectiveness is coming into question. Brothers are fighting brothers. States are threatening to secede while zealots are crawling out of every corner of the nation to run for office. Everything is intertwined with the failure of our elected representatives. Their apathy, covetous nature and willingness to accommodate the highest bidder is like a virulent cancer infecting the USA.
The longer we allow unethical men and women to be elected, our country will continue to decline and the number of morally dividing laws will escalate. Sadly, cracks in the foundation of our Democracy are evident today. It will spread like a cancer until the damage cannot be cut away. Families will be split and sides will be taken. Civil War, mushrooming from the frustration and dissent of our citizens, is a distant shadow on the horizon. The USA, its Bill of Rights and our Constitution will fall into decline like so many powerful countries throughout history. We, the citizens, MUST take a stand NOW! Demand positive results from our representatives or get them out of office. But how?

1. Do not elect or re-elect any representative pushing for moral reform.
2. Elect individuals who have experience effecting changes good for the country and its people...ALL OF US!
3. Assure elected officials honor their oath of office and have NO TIES to special interests groups.
4. Impeach anyone in office found bartering or manipu-lating the system for their personal benefit.
5. Assure their willingness to repeal 'moral laws' and pass an amendment to prevent them in the future.
Let's take our country back from the crooks. It's is our job as voters to make this happen. An imperative for our country's survival...