Today, opening up Facebook, the following picture of Ted Cruz was a glaring sore spot on my screen. The post from DefendReligiousLiberty
"As Texas Solicitor General, I had the great honor of successfully defending the Ten Commandments monument that still stands at the Texas Capitol grounds today. But sadly, the removal of a similar Ten Commandments monument from the Oklahoma Capitol grounds overnight is just the latest chapter in an ongoing assault on religious liberty in America."
"...assault on religious liberty in America." Our Constitution's First Amendment simply promises
'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...' So here is Ted, again, involved in religious legislation!

Thomas Jefferson and others coined the phrase, "Separation of church and state" expressing an understanding of the intent and function of that amendment. Maybe a Christian monument's removal is insulting to Christians but possible justice to the other myriad people who do not sway that direction.
Although gifts don't step on my belief system, no one should have lenience in light of our Supreme Law. Therefore, if you take some gifts and refuse others because you don't agree with their SO-TO-SPEAK 'RELIGIOUS TINCTURE', then there is a BIG PROBLEM.
Example: Notice the second satirical picture of Ted Cruz beside a monument touting 'the Tenets of Atheism'. Of course, Mr. Cruz, a Christian, would be appalled at this representation of him. Simply, he believes it's OK to stand up for his religious tenets,
(lord knows he is forever trying to legislate those beliefs on our country's population). But, an Elected Official in the USA, pledges to uphold our Constitution which allows for ALL RELIGIONS...NOT JUST CHRISTIAN. Maybe he's never read it?
If we abide by the intent of our 1st Amendment, NO GIFTS in conflict with that law should be publicly displayed on government owned properties. We are a Melting Pot not a Religious State. Our people need a neutral government to prove elected officials are committed to everyone without bias as guaranteed and under this inspired document.
The point is, Ted Cruz, Presidential candidate (scary), should fight just as hard to keep any religious monument as he did for the Ten Commandments. Sadly, it's not going to happen. At this point in our history, there is the gigantic chasm between Christianity's popularity, their assumption of rights and the lesser importance of everyone else's belief systems. Politicians, smelling the votes, have been beating that Christian Band Wagon and riding legislation through state after state with those voters in mind, i.e., Mr. Cruz and his Ten Commandments. Greed before the Constitution! Oops! The devil in some!