The Republicans have had to dig REALLY deep to spin public opinion away from President Obama's gutsy orders to take out bin Laden. BUT...never underestimate the depths some people will go to achieve their political goals! Here they come in full force, nit-picking anything they can.
We all cheered when the President announced two teams of Navy Seals, under executive orders, had covertly entered Pakistan, without that country's knowledge or assistance, and succeeded in taking out the mass murderer. As the story unfolded, the details of his burial at sea were released. Done with respect for his Muslim beliefs, bin Laden's final resting place was chosen so his militant followers could not make pilgrimages to his grave and use it for their propaganda. In Christi Choi's article in Time NewsFeed
(a) she states, "
According to Vanderbilt professor and Islam expert, Leor Halevi, the rituals for those who died in battle...are different; they don't require the person be buried in a shroud or someone to say a prayer...the U.S. did not try to humiliate bin Laden in death." This whole operation was well thought out and done with attention to every detail to avoid negative repercussions.
Now...bounce to today. After hours of weighing the pros and cons, the President opted to not release the gruesome death photos citing their graphic nature and the fact they could incite violence and create a national security risk.
(b) Good decision, Mr. President! BUT...The media is having a feeding frenzy over the President's decision to not publish them. Forget, the fact he and our military just pulled off an awesome, patriotic act of heroism. The Republicans and their pocketed media have started their smear campaign! BAD! BAD! BAD!!!
Simply stated, if the pictures were released, two sides would emerge:
Number 1: Those who think they are gross but actual pictures of the dead murderer
Number 2: Those who think bin Laden is still alive and this is some Photoshop
(c) hoax.
SOOOOOOO...Why don't the Republicans just keep their trouble-stirring, publicity mongering out of this situation. Let's take a positive moment in our country's history and not smut it up with politics. I'm sure the President is capable and more than willing to address any questions America might have about his decision. That list includes the relatives of 9/11 victims, our military families who have lost loved ones in the wars surrounding that day plus countless others whose lives have been negatively effected by the senseless slaughter this animal reigned throughout the world.
Shame...Shame...Shame on anyone who trys to twist Sunday's actions into anything but justified and long awaited...
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