Wednesday, September 21, 2011

America...The Republicans are telling us 2 + 2 = 5...Are you going to listen?

Do yourselves a favor and go to this website:  The following are some of the terms from this nightmarish fictional world.  See if you can't relate them to what is going on in America...

Newspeak is a fictional language in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four... it refers to the deliberately impoverished language promoted by the state...greatly reduced and simplified vocabulary and grammar...whose aim is to make any alternative thinking—"thoughtcrime", or "crimethink" —impossible by removing any words or possible constructs which describe the ideas of freedom, rebellion and so on. 

(Newspeak: Miniplenty) - The Ministry of Plenty rations and controls food, goods, and domestic production; every fiscal quarter, the Miniplenty publishes false claims of having raised the standard of living, when it has, in fact, reduced rations, availability, and production. The Minitrue substantiates the Miniplenty claims by revising historical records to report numbers supporting the current, "increased rations".
 (Newspeak: Minitrue) - The Ministry of Truth controls information: news, entertainment, education, and the arts... "rectifying" historical records to concord with Big Brother's current pronouncements, thus everything the Party says is true.
(Newspeak: Miniluv) - The Ministry of Love identifies, monitors, arrests, and converts real and imagined dissidents...the dissident is beaten and tortured, then, when near-broken, is sent to Room 101 to face "the worst thing in the world"—until love for Big Brother and the Party replaces dissension.
(Newsspeak: Doublethink) - ...the ability to believe that black is white, and more, to know that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary...basically the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.

Are we going to allow ourselves to be manipulated by the Republican dominated media?  Are the people in this country completely naive?  Have we forgotten how to think and route out the truth in situations?  OMG!  Open you brains, America!  Have you forgotten so soon how Bush brought this great country to its knees financially, socially and in context of our freedoms?  Bush's total disregard and pludering our Constitution?  (  The devastation President Obama was handed on his first day in office?   Can't you remember how the Republicans cost this country its top credit rating by caring more for their politics than stepping up and working with the Democrats on the budget? 

And now!  They are flooding every media outlet they have with their lies, half-truths and scare tactics to debunk the current Democratic President and his administration.  Just turn on any news station and listen. 
You know, in the book, 1984, the government kept telling its victim 2 + 2  = 5,  Eventually, after constant mind games and negative reinforcement, he succombed to their lies.  2 + 2 in his mind was 5.

The Republicans are telling the American people 2 + 2 = 5 as we speak.  They are back on their soap box of giving everything to Corporate America...That's the only way to save us!!!!!  Bush did it for eight years!  Do you feel saved?   All Corporate America did during Bush's eight years was get richer, screw the American public and run off with trillions of dollars to line their personal pockets.  Let's not forget Wall Street, the Banks' bailouts, the mortgage fiasco.  Now the keepers of the wealthy are singing the same songs of pending doom if any programs President Obama has on the table are implemented.  Who knows if they will work!  Their direction surely doesn't!  God...are we dumb...

Truly,  the only way to make a difference in this country is to force the Washington elite to FIRST CUT THEIR CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET, THEIR SALARIES AND BENEFITS IN HALF, CLEAN UP ALL THE LOOPHOLES THEY HAVE CREATED FOR THEIR BUDS IN THE TAX SYSTEM and SLICE YEARS OF CRONY RELATED PORK OUT OF THE BUDGET.  If Congress will do that, then this country might begin to take them seriously...

Whatever you do, make up your own mind and don't listen to the constant birage of BS spewing out of Republican television, newspapers, radio stations, TV media and more...Remember 2 + 2 = 4...

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