Monday, October 7, 2013

Non-Voters Allow Fanatics To Do As They Please With Our Government

The Constitution grants Congress the sole authority to enact legislation and declare war, the right to confirm or reject many Presidential appointments, and substantial investigative powers. (a) (b)  Not to legislate their personal preferences and those of their rich benefactors...

One of the most overused quotes EVER is “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke (c)  Why do you think that is?  Probably because EVERYONE realizes the truth being conveyed and wants those sentiments repeated until someone listens.

I'm shouting those words now!  We, the eligible voters in this country, have allowed some fanatical, rich greedy-gourds to get into a position of power over the laws governing our country.  It effects us all, especially women, the poor, middle-class and elderly.  So...we can blame ourselves for the current state of affairs in America.  Question is what are we going to do about it?

Robert Reich, Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley and former Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration, calls the Tea Party Republicans, "bullies" and "extremest" in his article "Why Obama and the Democrats Shouldn’t Negotiate with Extortionists". (d) I think he is being spot on in his descriptions, plus he offers the names of the ultra wealthy backers of these fanatics and warns, "...a handful of hugely wealthy Americans who are sinking hundreds of millions of dollars into this extortion racket..." plan "... to not just to take over the Republican Party. It’s to take over America." Scary, huh?  I strongly suggest you read this article and come to your own conclusions.

Frankly, this blog has always been about my views.  Although they may not be yours, I respect your right to disagree.  What I do not budge on is the fact legislating personal morality and beliefs alienates most of the citizens of the US, benefiting a select few, i.e. deaf ears.  It also gives these bought off legislators the ability to keep topics in the news that fuel great emotional riffs among us.  This turmoil is what they thrive on and allows them to sneak in regulations and laws the majority of the population never hears about until it's to late to stop them.  It also gets them elected because a growing number of people are becoming apathetic when it comes to politics, not taking the time to educate themselves concerning the facts and, eventually not voting.

I'll end with a quote from Karen Marie Moning.  It pretty much hits my own philosophy square on, “Most people are good and occasionally do something they know is bad. Some people are bad and struggle every day to keep it under control. Others are corrupt to the core and don’t give a damn, as long as they don’t get caught. But evil is a completely different creature, Mac. Evil is bad that believes it’s good.” 
― Karen Marie MoningShadowfever (e)

And we've got some real 'evil' going on in Washington right now!  Let's stand up and shout, wave our arms, write letters, send emails, get on the phone, BUT, MOST OF ALL, get out and vote these bastards out of office...


The following websites will also offer you insight from different perspectives about the government shut down, its affects, what lawmakers are refusing their salaries and some of the richest ones on capitol hill:

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