Getting elected to public office in the U.S. is an expensive process mostly limited to the rich or their proxies, allowing a few privileged individuals to run our government. This fact and years of failed communications with them leads me to a sad conclusion...Once elected, public officials contract a special deafness limiting their hearing range to benefactor's agendas and lobbyists. The rest of us get automatically generated e-mails, form letters, discretionary call backs and rhetoric...
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Boehner and House Republicans Tell AMERICA...SCREW YOU!
JOHN BOEHNER AND HOUSE REPUBLICANS and other elected officials sit at home doing NOTHING while our country comes to another crisis CREATED BY their inability to do anything more than live it up on fattened salaries and mega-benefits while spewing moral hypocrisy. YOU ARE pushing 'we, the people' to the brink.
Thomas Jefferson said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." (a)
This decision is not a hard one. Turn your eyes on the Congressional Budget for your budget cuts...LEAVE MEDICARE, SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICAID ALONE!
Thomas Jefferson went on to say, "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." (a) This note is me not remaining silent. I am letting you know, collectively, this Congress is the biggest failure in our country's history of elected officials. When will you take the blinders off and listen to the majority of the people in this country and DO YOUR JOBS!
President Kennedy invited the brightest minds in the nation to a dinner when he was in office. At that dinner he said, "This is perhaps the assembly of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in the White House with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone."
He would probably be physically ill watching the carnage you are reaping on our nation. AND WHERE ARE YOU? ON VACATION....
Monday, December 17, 2012
Newtown: Suffer the Children in Our Country...Crys Fall on Deaf Ears
Again, more children have died at the hands of a madman and we try to backtrack to find the reason. Everyone cries and asks why. Let me offer one explanation. The Elephant in the Room...
Child Protective Services, in Texas at least, is a joke...Every time one of these tragedies strikes, somehow or other it tracks back to a child's cry unanswered, the proverbial hole in the system. RESULT: A child left living in a nightmare until that child turns into the monster it tried so desperately to escape...Evil left where an innocent child once was.
Where do I get my facts? From my daughter, a very dedicated and wonderful elementary school teacher who has desperately tried during her fourteen years teaching in an at risk, Title I. public school in Texas to get help for hundreds of children caught in this cycle of terror. Teachers are our front line defense against this dark blemish effecting our society. They know VERY WELL which children are being abused and neglected. It is obvious in the child's actions, physical appearance and eyes. These children are begging for help from more than one direction and are being brushed aside by Child Protective Services (CPS).
In conjunction with her colleagues and school counselors, my daughter has fought to get CPS to intervene in case after case after case of obvious child abuse and neglect. In her classes alone, children have been so sexually abused they can't sit and suffer incontinence. Little ones beaten so badly from their ankles to their necks, the belt marks forced them to stand in their classroom...Others so filthy, with open sores, they are constantly sent home from school getting them behind on their work...5 to 8 year olds with severe emotional and learning disabilities forced into mainstream, overloaded classrooms where their frustrations mount because they cannot cope in that environment...A little kindergarten boy who constantly exposed himself to the other students and laughed as he drew pictures of gorillas raping boys and girls...The beautiful blond haired 5 year old little girl, obviously being sexually molested by her foster parents who were allowed to adopt her....Shall I continue? Each and every one of these poor children and their cases and hundreds more like them were and ARE BEING documented by my daughter, teachers and school's counselors everywhere at an alarming percentage. SHOCKINGLY...NOT ONCE IN FOURTEEN YEARS OF TEACHING HAS CPS REMOVED ANY OF HER STUDENTS FROM THE HORROR AND VIOLENCE BEING VISITED ON THEIR YOUNG LIVES...NOT ONCE...
The emotional toll this system takes on my daughter and other teachers is devastating. Having to watch the effects of this horror in a child's life on a daily basis and not being able to stop it causes nightmares, feelings of guilt and a helpless desire to rescue the child. The frustration is unbearable and the toll is huge. My daughter suffers from severe health issues all directly related to the stress of her job. Can you imagine an innocent child being torn down in the most horrendous ways, reaching out to you for help and not being able to do any more than love them in the hours they are in your care? What can you say to them? My heart breaks not only for the child but for my daughter...
I console her on a daily basis. It's part of her coping mechanism. Every year gets harder for her to go back, not because of the children, but because of the bureaucratic system and its callous and apathetic approach to public education. They ignore the Elephant in the Room effecting a child's ability to focus and learn. Instead of correcting neglect and abuse problems dominating the lives of a large population of young students, the powers that be constantly come up with other 'REASONS' test scores are down. Sadly, much of the blame falls on the teachers forced to function in a broken system, constricting their ability to use skills obtained by years of teaching experience.
In summary, CPS is allowing monsters to create monsters in our country. Their reasons are many, underpay, understaffed...burnout...etc. Elected officials stand by silent and useless while the teachers are utilizing ever tool at their disposal to help these children. My own daughter came very close to being the victim of violence involving irate parents who had been interviewed by CPS about the severe abuse of their daughter. Luckily, her locked door kept them at bay until the police arrived to deal with the situation. Although she was safe, the child came to school even more battered the next day. CPS again was called but never removed the kindergarten student from harms way. She slowly gave up saying the bruising was from falls, etc. Her grades plummeted and she became very quite. My daughter said the light just faded from her eyes.. Teachers report incidents like this daily, again and again. BUT NOTHING IS BEING DONE. Until this fact is no longer the status quo, there will always be more and more of the Newtown incidents. .
When our elected officials refuse to act on the critical information being forwarded by our teachers, these anguished cries for help will continue to be lost in the black hole we call CPS. The ELEPHANT WILL MAINTAIN ITS DEADLY PRESENSE, and more of these sad, lost children will turn up in the national media leaving rivers of blood as they end their life and the lives of others...How long will we allow the cycle to grow exponentially?
Monday, December 10, 2012
FISCAL CLIFF...Congress Ignores Cuts to THEIR BENEFITS & PAY...Goes After Programs for Middle and Lower Income Americans!
While the Republican dominated House quibbles over keeping tax benefits for the rich and cutting Medicare, Social Security and other mainstay programs primarily benefiting middle and lower income Americans, they completely IGNORE THE NECESSITY OF CUTS TO THEIR OWN OVER-INFLATED SALARIES AND BENEFITS!
Severe permanent reductions in the Congressional Budget would make a large dent in our federal deficit. Sadly...The only people in this country who can effect those changes have no intention of pursuing that avenue. Most Americans are teetering on the brink of financial ruin as we watch this pompous display of selfishness in Washington.
Staunchly refusing to slice out waste and spending in their own Congressional Budget, our ultra wealthy Congressmen and Congresswomen, (many of them millionaires plus, plus, plus), continue to brazenly cater to the rich as well as their lobbyist benefactors during their shameless pursuit of cutting public programs to the bone. How can any of them look their constituents in the eye, scream about morality on one hand and drain the life out of America with the other?
Thomas Jefferson once said, "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." (a) The question is, how can we, the people, force an unconscionable collection of spin doctors manipulating public opinion through various media outlets to own up to their corruption and force needed reforms in Congress? It is time for these men and women to quit preaching moral choices in this country and start doing their jobs. Abraham Lincoln voiced this opinion very clearly when he said, "We the people are the rightful master of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." (b)
No matter what our elected officials claim publicly, their actions prove the only ones benefiting from their terms in office are themselves. Don't let the rhetoric spewing out of Washington tear the United States apart. Don't let them start a Civil War! With their approval ratings at an all time low, the time for forcefully removing some of these people from office is drawing ever closer. All Americans need to get on the phone...NOW...and tell them to cut Congressional programs and salaries FIRST, straighten up their act and vote for America.
Severe permanent reductions in the Congressional Budget would make a large dent in our federal deficit. Sadly...The only people in this country who can effect those changes have no intention of pursuing that avenue. Most Americans are teetering on the brink of financial ruin as we watch this pompous display of selfishness in Washington.
Staunchly refusing to slice out waste and spending in their own Congressional Budget, our ultra wealthy Congressmen and Congresswomen, (many of them millionaires plus, plus, plus), continue to brazenly cater to the rich as well as their lobbyist benefactors during their shameless pursuit of cutting public programs to the bone. How can any of them look their constituents in the eye, scream about morality on one hand and drain the life out of America with the other?
Thomas Jefferson once said, "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." (a) The question is, how can we, the people, force an unconscionable collection of spin doctors manipulating public opinion through various media outlets to own up to their corruption and force needed reforms in Congress? It is time for these men and women to quit preaching moral choices in this country and start doing their jobs. Abraham Lincoln voiced this opinion very clearly when he said, "We the people are the rightful master of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." (b)
No matter what our elected officials claim publicly, their actions prove the only ones benefiting from their terms in office are themselves. Don't let the rhetoric spewing out of Washington tear the United States apart. Don't let them start a Civil War! With their approval ratings at an all time low, the time for forcefully removing some of these people from office is drawing ever closer. All Americans need to get on the phone...NOW...and tell them to cut Congressional programs and salaries FIRST, straighten up their act and vote for America.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Fiscal Cliff: 28 Days Till CONGRESS Rips Us AGAIN!
UPDATE: There are 535 men and women in our United States Congress. They CONTINUE their onslaught to cut social security, medicare and other programs and tax incentives overwhelmingly effecting middle and lower income Americans. Personally, I believe the Republicans are more blatant in their charge against the non-wealthy, but everyone in Congress is on the money train. Here are some interesting facts from the Center for Responsive Politics (CRP) reported by Michael Brush in his article for MSN Money in January of this year. (a)
Consider these numbers:
- Nearly half of the members of Congress are millionaires, according to the Center for Responsive Politics (CRP), a Washington watchdog.
- The median net worth of a U.S. senator was $2.63 million in 2010, the most recent year for which financial data are available. That was up 11% from the year before, says CRP.
- The median estimated net worth for House members was $756,765.
- The median net worth of House members almost tripled from 1984 and 2009, while the net worth of Americans declined slightly during the same time, according to the Washington Post and the University of Michigan. (a)
Please keep in mind CRP's data is at least two years old! What is the current increase? The fact is, in 1984 when the House members jumped on their lucrative money train, Ronald Reagan was President and his 'Trickle Down Economics' was in full swing. Since then, a lot of that 'trickling' seems to have made it in the pockets of our elected officials in Washington!
WAKE UP AMERICA! Twenty-eight (28) days from now, these boys and girls are going to rip us again! Let's make them give back to this country some of their plunder. Call your representatives in the House and Senate and tell them we want passage of emergency legislation to take effect immediately including the following:
-Reduce Congressional salaries to match the average national teacher's pay...
-Make their base pay the only pay they get...
-Stop all Incentives from Lobbyists for Members of Congress...
-Require all Members of Congress to pay out of pocket, for the following (no government discount or
match just like the majority of American Citizens):
a. Heath, life, car, house, office, liability and any other insurances they deem necessary...
b. Any retirement packages...
c. All their office expenses, coat room expenses, day-care expenses, auto expenses and any
other government paid perks they currently receive...
d. Travel, meals and entertainment expenses...
Getting elected to the US Congress in this country is a person's ticket to unlimited riches and the perks to match. Because of that fact, elections have become a wealthy person's playground, a game to see who's ads can bias their constituents emotions enough to vote them into America's Playground for the Rich and Famous. Until we, the people, get off our apathetic rear ends and force a change, the status quo in this country will not change. The following is a simple way to find the numbers to contact your representatives:
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