Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Watching the almost rain dampening the air in the coolness of this morning, thoughts drifted to members of my own family.  How different we all are...amazing!  Rooted in the same family tree, in-laws, out-laws, extended families, we are a conglomeration of human beings as diverse as the world we live in.  Family reunions are anything but boring!

As I continued my repose, the multi-faceted layers of my family and the diverse makeup in our country became more apparent.   OMG!  We ARE Americans and truly unique!  These words soon spilled out of my gray cells, so I thought I would share them...

I am thrilled you've found your niche in this world...
It’s just not the same as mine.
I’m happy you have faith in your God…
However, dissimilar your beliefs are to my own.
I'm thankful His grace gives you peace...
But I, also, am content with my life.
It gives me comfort you pray for my soul…
By so doing, I know deep down you care.
I listen to the words that you whisper…
And understand your intentions are good.

I respect you for honoring your beliefs…
But I expect the same in return.
I hope His promises come to fruition...
But I have no expectations in death.
So I am grateful our lives are intertwined
Where diversity breeds introspection.
Where two people can believe what they want
And still live together as friends.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Let's Talk About the Ninth Amendment...It's Part of the Bill of Rights!

The Ninth Amendment reads, "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."  Wow!  Although all those unalienable rights mentioned in the Declaration of Independence are not listed separately in the Bill of Rights, number nine is our guarantee we still have them!  So, let's talk about the roots of number nine...

In 1787, members of the Constitutional Convention only agreed to ratify our Constitution if its powers were limited by a series of exceptions guaranteeing the 'fundamental principles of human liberty.' (a)  A huge gap had to be compromised between two groups with opposing views on how to accomplish that task.  Primarily everyone was trying to reinforce the tenet '...that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights...'

One side believed to avoid government encroachment into our freedoms these guaranteed rights needed to be written down in the form of amendments.  The other, including James Madison, disagreed.  He summed up their concerns when he asked, "If an enumeration be made of all our rights," he queried, "will it not be implied that everything omitted is given to the general government?" (b)  Remember...both sides were attempting to achieve the same goal, but from different directions.

The stalemate was finally broken.  Everyone agreed the delegates of our first Congress would be mandated to introduce a number of legislative articles creating the guarantees both sides were insisting on having.  In 1789, James Madison did just that.  As a result, the first ten amendments to the Constitution were adopted and have become known as 'The Bill of Rights'.

Although most citizens are familiar with other amendments addressing freedoms of speech, right to bear arms, self-incrimination, etc., number nine was the heart of the compromise.  It is an umbrella guaranteeing all those unpenned freedoms James Madison feared would be trampled on by government intervention simply because they were not listed.

Sadly, after two centuries, these freedoms are still under seige.  Today, Christians and other elements in our country are attempting to legislate their personal morals on ALL the People.  They are quick to point out the 'religious' men who wrote the Constitution would be on their side today, backing legislation against abortion and many of their other personal beliefs.  Wrong!

In a time when most Americans were Christians, representatives from the 13 colonies had the clarity to see governments and churches must be separate in order to survive in a country alike in so many ways yet diverse in so many others.  According to a sentiment expressed by Patrick Henry, "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here." (c)   Luckily, his thoughts prevailed...

In summary, our citizens should be thankful some very religious men, with deep rooted convictions, put aside their personal sentiments and forged a government out of the diversity of a fledgling, war-torn nation.  And what was their first battle in their first Congress?  They made sure the powers of our Constitution could not trample on the rights guaranteed to every American citizens.  To eliminate any doubt that these freedoms were not limited only to those listed, they included the Ninth Amendment.  It remains there today in its shadowy repose, teeth barred, against all intruders attacking our unpenned, unalienable rights. 

Our sitting Congressional representatives need to be reminded of this history, their oath to uphold these guarantees and the melting pot they serve...for in their forgetfulness, lies the destruction of this nation...

a:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Bill_of_Rights
b:  http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/9th+Amendment
c:  http://www.brainyquote.com/

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Out of the Mouth of Babes...

Yesterday the news was airing on TV when my grandchildren were visiting.  My exceptionally bright 7-year old asked, "Gram, what's a pro-lifer?"  Evidently, some reporter was giving his take on the subject and she didn't understand the whole point of his discourse.

Anyone who reads my blog knows this subject matter gives status to the hairs on the back of my neck, BUT, I also am a big believer in giving children facts and letting them come to their own conclusions.  After a 30 second simplified definition of the phrase, she seemed satisfied and went back to drawing. 

As I set watching the latest charactercher of her best friend, I had an epiphany.  EVERYONE is pro-life and NO ONE is pro-abortion.  Let me explain like I would to my 7-year old granddaughter...

People prefer life to death unless there are some serious mental issues involved, so EVERYONE is pro-life.  However, no one wants an abortion.  That's like saying pro-appendectomy or pro-colonoscopy...YECH!  An abortion is an invasive medical procedure just like hundreds of others performed routinely throughout the medical world.  So NO ONE is pro-abortion!  Who wants surgery?!

ANNNNNDDDDD one thought leads to another...Can you imagine!?  ANY medical procedure requires the person to sign a release for surgery because...?  Yes!  An invasive procedure performed on one's body is a personal decision.  OMG...What if our U.S. Congress starts passing legislation limiting who can and cannot choose to have surgery?  OOOOOOPS...

My bad...My bad...Let's hope a band of like thinkers don't decide a pollup is God's way of punishing human beings for their bad eating habits, gain political clout and...well...catch my drift?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ongoing Saga with Our Mortgage...

Yeah! For Senator Cornyn's office here in Dallas!  They responded to my fax dated March 21st with a letter tailored to my problem!  I am impressed, but most of all pleased.  Hopefully, this trend will continue and accomplish some favorable outcome.  The information requested in his correspondence has already been provided to the Senator. 

After calling Rep. Marchant's aide this afternoon, he seems to be in a wait and see pattern with Fannie Mae...something about a slow moving bureaucracy.  The problem is, if we wait too long, someone will see us on the welfare rolls or living in a tent under the Trinity River bridge... 

Fannie Mae needs to get off their...fanny? 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday Morning Blog!

My husband and I are financially better off than a lot of people and try not to complain.  We have a nice home...old, but nice.  Our 11 year old van has almost 200,000 miles on it, but still runs good.  (Knock on wood!)  We aren't hungry, bills are current and luckily have good insurance that doesn't cost us an arm and a leg.  But all this could quickly change...

We are heading for some dark times.  With less than $3500 in liquid assets, a gross income of $2204 and monthly expenses around $2800, we are running in the red.  In about six months, we will not have anything left to cover our shortage.  That fact is veeerrrrrryyyyy scary. 

If the USA could be likened to a human being, my husband would be a spinal facet making up America's backbone.  His work ethics and dedication to his job helped build and maintain the communication network in this country.  For 33 years, usually 7 days a week and 10 hours a day, he climbed ladders, worked in 160 degree attics, sat for hours in manholes and always squatted or belly crawled around to insure phone lines were kept in service.  In all that time, one could count on a single hand the days he wasn't able to go to work.  He did this without complaining because he actually loves working.  AT&T's exacting demands physically and mentally destroyed his body.  In the end, their underhanded tactics forced him to retire prematurely in order to satisfy some bean counter's bottom line...But I'm ranting.

Today, he hobbles around with his cane trying to rake leaves or sweep the sidewalk, stopping frequently because of the pain, knowing he'll pay dearly for his efforts.  The point is, a street urchin, who fended for himself since he was a child, supported his family without help, paid a higher percentage of taxes than most of the wealthy, and loyally served corporate America for over half his life feels betrayed by the system that destroyed his health and left him incapable of earning a living.

Unable to qualify for programs designed to help citizens in trouble, we simply need some direction.  What are we supposed to do now?  Become someone's burden?  No thank you... 

Friday, March 18, 2011

No Answer Yet...

To be fair, I waited until Friday, March 18th, faded into oblivion before making this post.  The letter from my mortgage company arrived verifying we did not qualify for the Fannie Mae sponsored modification program, HAM.  Yes, they did use the inflated income to deny us as expected.  The letter was cordial and suggested several other optional programs we might be interested in pursuing.  Please call...Those too, are not meant for my husband and me according to the young man who answered the phone. 

Also, as expected, no one has e-mailed me or called from Kenny Marchant's office with any information at all...no names, telephone numbers or explanation for not calling.  Thomas Jefferson said, "When wrongs are pressed because it is believed they will be borne, resistance becomes morality."   Monday is a new day and there are worlds of options to explore...good night.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Reply from Kenny Marchant's Office....

Yesterday, a very pleasant young man from Representative Marchant's local office called me back concerning our mortgage modification debacle.  (See March 11th blog.)  Having declined a call back, I was pleased to see someone at the Washington office had taken the time to retrieve my number off caller ID and forward the information to Todd at the District Office to handle.

Although Fannie Mae's guidelines are set in concrete...no exceptions to the 1.25% rule...I asked him to locate the person in a position at this powerful financial institution who could actually explain the insanity behind this formula and make it go away...Respectfully and with concern, Todd agreed to do his best and get back with me. 

Before e-mailing the release of privacy forms for my signature, we discussed the 'why' behind Representative Marchant's proclivity to actively support numerous pending pro-life legislations. Regrettably, like so many people serving the public in various positions, Todd assumes passing laws on social and moral issues is OK.  We discussed what happened when laws were passed making two other emotionally charged public controversies illegal:  Drinking of alcholic beverages and abortion.  Ultimately, the devastating effects these laws had on human life resulted in their reversals.  The 21st Amendment to our Constitution repealed the 18th's restrictions of consumption and manufacturing alchohol and the Prohibition nightmares.  Roe v Wade determined abortion could not be legislated and a woman had the right to choose what she did with her body, stopping bloody back-alley abortions and its devastating effects and over-riding laws across this country. 

As long as their is diversity in this world, social issues can never be legislated.  There are too many legitimate pros and cons involved when a person's beliefs are brought under legal speculation.  If the courts intervene in favor of either side, chaos will always be the result.  This fact was reiterated when Mr. Justice Blackmun rendered the opinion of the Supreme Court in Roe v Wade:

“We bear in mind, too, Mr. Justice Holmes' admonition in his now-vindicated dissent in Lochner v. New York, 198 U.S. 45, 76 (1905):”

[The Constitution] is made for people of fundamentally differing views, and the accident of our finding certain opinions natural and familiar or novel and even shocking ought not to conclude our judgment upon the question whether statutes embodying them conflict with the Constitution of the United States.”
Todd patiently listened as I cited these verifiable precedents then asked me if I would prefer the States deal with legislation in these areas...OMG..."No," I said.  "Legislating social and moral issues violates the Constitution.  They should not be legislated at all..." 
There was silence.  He agreed to e-mail me the forms and we cordially said goodbye.  Reaching deaf ears...again.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Let's Talk About Congressional Salaries Plus Their Spending...

Someone let me have one of these jobs! 

Our Senators' and Representatives' base salaries are $174,000!  If you happen to be the majority or minority leaders in Congress, before perks, you get the piddly sum of $193,400!  The Speaker of the House and Chief Justices pull down a mere $223,500!(c)

But wait!  That's not all!  (Do I sound like one of those commercials on TV?)  Each representative is allotted almost $750,000 to hire up to 18 staffers and 4 temps!  Senators, depending on the size of their state, get from almost $1.7 MILLION to over $2.8 MILLION for administrative and clerical assistance!  BUT, they also receive over $450,000 additional funds to hire up to 3 Legislative Assistants!(b)

AND THERE'S MORE!  Every U.S. Representative spends over $1.4 MILLION to in excess of $1.9 Million dollars a annually NOT COUNTING THEIR SALARY!(a)  However, each Senator spends almost $2.3 Million to over $3.7 MILLION dollars!(b)

Although my little calculator's screen could barely hold the figures, our 435 U.S. Representatives' annual budget, WITHOUT THEIR PERSONAL SALARIES, is up to $826,500,000.00.  If that is not enough to take your breath away, the additional expenses of our 100 U.S. Senators, a whopping $370,000,000.00, makes a grand total of $1,196,500,000.00!

EGADS!!!!  These figures are enormous!  Let me line them up:

U.S. Representatives Annual Spending Allowance    $   826,500,000.00
U.S. Senators' Annual Spending Allowance                $   370,000.000.00
U.S. Congressional Salaries                                         $     93,391,000.00
                                                               Total                   $1,289,891,000.00 
                                                                                     (This is over a BILLION!)

OK...The bulk of our representatives are millionaires.  The others are EXTREMELY wealthy.  Maybe these numbers seem to be acceptable budgets in their realm of thinking, BUT NOT IN THIS COUNTRY!  When the median household income in this country is $49,777(d), and most citizens are cutting back on travel, food, clothing, medical, etc., the belt-tightening needs to start in Washington with our Congress...

a.  http://disbursements.house.gov/faqs.shtml#3966DA_265677
b:  http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Congressional_offices_and_staff
c:  (http://www.senate.gov/CRSReports/crs-publish.cfm?pid='0E%2C*PL%5B%3D%23P%20%20%0A)
d:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_household_income

Friday, March 11, 2011

It's Just A Simple Question...

My husband and I live on $2204 a month...that's it...no food stamps...no assistance...

We were told our income qualified us for a Mortgage Modification program to reduce our monthly payments. What a relief!  After paying all our bills each month, we have less than $300 left to buy groceries, medicine, fuel for our 11 year old vehicle, gifts for Christmas, birthdays, etc.  One can imagine any reduction in our mortgage payment, no matter how small, could only help!  So imagine my surprise when the young man from Nationstar Mortgage told me today we may not qualify after a 1.25% ($551) adjustment is added to our monthly income.  Evidently, it is part of the formula handed down by Fannie Mae.

SO...a federally sponsored program is creating money on paper to disqualify me from a program that could really help our financial dilemma.  Just give me the $551 and I will not apply for the modification!

After the mortgage company rep as well as the Fannie Mae rep could not explain the reason for this adjustment, I called my Congressman Kenny Marchant's office simply to find out who at Fannie Mae could give me an answer.  Guess what!  They were too busy to talk!  Scott Cunningham, the congressman's social security 'expert', would not get on the phone!  They offered a call back at his convenience...Monday.  Well, Monday may be too late!   Thanks, Scott!

I started my blog because of this very reason.  Maybe if I lied and said I was a pro-life lobbiest bearing gifts, someone would have gotten on the phone...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Pro-Lifers' Assault on the Constitution...

At the start of each new Congress, all federally elected officials take an oath of office.  The original oath developed by our first Congress was simple:  "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States."

The current oath was enacted in 1884 during President Lincoln’s term.  It is:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Basically, if you are in the House or Senate of the United States of America, you swear to uphold the Constitution, written to serve ALL our citizens regardless of their personal beliefs, race or cultural backgrounds.  Therefore, the fact many of you are sponsoring or co-sponsoring at least 10 pieces of legislation (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/02/13/943185/-HR3-HR-217-HR-358-Life-Threatening-Legislation)surrounding the social issues of fetal rights, abortion and funding in these areas, is a direct conflict with that oath.  

In 1919, a similar assault on our Constitution occurred.  Battles over another social issue involving alchohol was raging out of control in this country.  Proponents for prohibiting the production, use, sale and consumption of intoxicating beverages in the United State of America were able to elect enough representatives to Congress who were favorable to their cause that the 18th Amendment was wrongly passed.  Prohibition began...

Like the current fetal rights and anti-abortion advocates, proponents of Prohibition claimed they “…would protect families, women and children from the terrible effects…” of abuse of alcohol.   (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repeal_of_Prohibition) If one substitues the word ‘abortion’ for ‘abuse of alcohol’ in the preceding sentence, the arguments sound pretty similar and are just as wrong.  YOU CANNOT LEGISLATE SOCIAL ISSUES…

By 1933, the 21st Amendment repealed the 18th.  Many of the former proponents for the 18th Amendment switched sides and started working for its repeal citing “…the effects of Prohibition were morally corrupting families, women, and children…and that repeal would protect families from the corruption, violent crime, and underground drinking that resulted from Prohibition.”  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repeal_of_Prohibition) 

Today, our legislators are again in conflict with the Constitution and wasting prescious time on the irreconcilable moral issues surrounding abortion.  (Their time would be better spent taking care of all the abused, neglected and hungry children who exist by the millions in the USA...This problem does fall under their purview!)   

A handful of politicians are choosing to ignore the 1973 ruling of the Supreme Court in which Roe v. Wade upheld the Constitution and a woman’s right to control what she does with her body.   This famous precedent aired ALL the Pro-Lifer’s arguments against abortion.  The Justices' ruling was made DESPITE all the scrutiny and pressure brought on them by various right-to-life groups to do otherwise.  Luckily, their decision has prevented the deaths of countless women who were previously forced to go to back alley butchers to terminate a pregnancy. 

Please review the wisdom voiced by Mr. Justice Blackmun when rendering the opinion of the Supreme Court in Roe v Wade:

“We bear in mind, too, Mr. Justice Holmes' admonition in his now-vindicated dissent in Lochner v. New York, 198 U.S. 45, 76 (1905):”

[The Constitution] is made for people of fundamentally differing views, and the accident of our finding certain opinions natural and familiar or novel and even shocking ought not to conclude our judgment upon the question whether statutes embodying them conflict with the Constitution of the United States.”
Justice Holme's statement substantiates the fact, in this country, forcing a particular opinion by law is against freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Pro-lifers refuse to accept that reality.  Sadly they have manipulated proponents of their groups into our Congress.  These representatives, ignoring legal precedents, are picking away at the foundation of these guarantees.  Pushing their biased legislation is a blatant violation of their oath to “…support and defend the Constitution of the United States…”

According to Merriam Webster the definition of a traitor is:
1: one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty
2: one who commits treason

And the definition of treason is:
1: the betrayal of a trust…
2: the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance…

To all those who are trying to legislate these social agendas:

  1. You took and Oath of Office for the United State of America
  2. You know the Constitution and the Freedoms guaranteed by it
  3. You are aware the issues of Abortion have already been ruled on by the Judicial Branch of our Government
  4. If you choose to ignore a, b, and c, you, therefore, satisfy the accepted definitions of a Traitor committing Treason
Currently, many representatives fall within these definitions.  Their actions are an affront to generations of men and women who have given so much to assure the freedoms wisely penned in our Constitution.   So why doesn't the House of Representatives begin impeachment proceedings against members who blatantly snub their noses at the Constitution in favor of special interest groups' agendas?  Allowing this practice to continue unabated within these hallowed halls is unacceptable, further weakening our great country.  We want it stopped...NOW. 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Five Steps to Balance the Budget and Increase Revenue...

Hello, Everyone...

Our elected officials, again, seem bogged down in partisan stalemates and cannot agree on what items to slice from the budget.  The following is a rather simplistic plan including five different suggestions to slice Federal spending and bring more revenue into the federal coffer.  See what you think!

FIRST SUGGESTION:  Create a Budget Reduction Package for every voting age citizen in the United States to pick what items they want to remove from the budget.

Budget line items are buried in public records behind walls of gobbledygook, therefore creating a simplified  list of them should not take an act of Congress.  The President could delegate a group of computer experts, probably on staff already, and knowledgeable people from the different branches of government to accomplish this task. 

Included in the packet would be a form letter and the list.  The letter should explain the reason for the package and  provide instructions for completing the list.  The list should break spending items into three categories:  Military, Human Resources (Medicare, Medicaid and Other), and Miscellaneous. 

Each item on the list should be numbered, contain a brief explanation of what it is, who proposed it and its cost.  Using a punch card type paper would make choosing what items one wants to delete easy to select and easy to tally after it is returned.    

Everything about this package should be simple enough for a fifth grader to understand and use.  See examples of the letter and the list below:

The media and our elected representatives could mount the biggest bi-partisan campaign in history to unify and educate the public about the lists, the importance of filling them out and returning them, and, especially, the necessity of the cut backs.  The lists should be uniform, processed using SS#'s, available at local post offices, accessible to fill out on-line or downloadable and easily scanned to obtain the results. 

Questions could be fielded through federally elected representatives or their staff, IRS operator assisted hot lines and town hall meetings.  Every night for a designated period of time, the news media could devote a segment of their news broadcast to this process and its importance. 

The items most often indicated for deletion would be removed first from the budget.  Deletions would continue based on the declining percentage ranking of the selected items and parameters decided by a Presidential comittee.  New spending legislation should be frozen at this point.

This process could become an annual event like filing income tax.  Eventually, only those programs deemed necessary by the citizens of this country will be in the budget.

SECOND SUGGESTIONCreate a flat income tax rate for everyone. 

Require individuals, businesses, churches...anyone or entity with an income to pay a flat income tax based on their gross income...Simple...Gets rid of the loopholes.

THIRD SUGGESTION:  Reduce Congressional salaries from $174,000 to $124,000 a year and pass legislation to stop their automatic Cost of Living Allowance.  This would cut in $26,750,000 from our Federal Budget each year.

Since 1989, our federally elected officials have granted themselves raises totaling approximately 52%.  In January of this year, Representative Giffords (D-AZ) submitted legislation to reduce their salaries by 5%.  Considering two-thirds of our Senators and over half of our Representatives are millionaires, that percentage should be more near 30%.

Compare their inflated salaries to the 3.3 million public school teachers who make an average of $46-47,000 dollars a year or the retired worker who lives on an average $14,124 a year of Social Security Benefits.  Can we say INEQUITY?

"Cutting the salaries of members of Congress is supported by numerous taxpayer groups, like Americans for Tax Reform, Citizens Against Government Waste and the National Taxpayers Union"  (http://tucsoncitizen.com/yadapolitics/2011/01/06/giffords-wants-congress-to-cut-members-salaries/)
FOURTH SUGGESTION:   Pass legislation making the two year ban on earmarks in Congress permanent and ban lobbyist's from operating in or around the Congress or Congressional offices.

"Despite the lack of a consensus definition, the one used most widely was developed by the Congressional Research Service, the public policy research arm of the U.S. Congress:
"Provisions associated with legislation (appropriations or general legislation) that specify certain congressional spending priorities or in revenue bills that apply to a very limited number of individuals or entities. Earmarks may appear in either the legislative text or report language (committee reports accompanying reported bills and joint explanatory statement accompanying a conference report)."[4] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earmark_(politics))
 FIFTH SUGGESTIONSet up a government hot line to report abuse in welfare, Medicaid, Medicare and other social services programs. 

Citizens see abuses of our social services on a daily basis costing billions in federal and state dollars.  Although the bulk of the recipients in these areas actually need and benefit from this assistance, there is a large contingency of individuals fraudulently applying for and getting benefits.  Setting up a verifiable system to report abuse and a team to investigate it put those dollars back in the budget.

If we, as a country, could work together to accomplish these five things, our deficit and our spending would decrease significantly. Allowing citizens to dictate every year what items to delete should eventually clean up the excess spending, curtail attempts to get frivolous spending items in the budget and keep the public educated about where our tax dollar really go. 

The President could appoint a special commission to work out the details of Steps TWO through FIVE then present them to Congress for a vote. 

If we could just get Suggestion One accomplished, wouldn't that be great!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Anger through E-Mails...

Well, today I want to share a series of e-mails I received.  The first, from a very good friend, wanted me to forward the following e-mail:

"Thought this was important enough for you all to read.  We need a 28th ammendment to the US Constitution...pls read below Subject: read and forward...... PLEASE!!!

Subject: Please Read & Forward

No one has been able to explain to me why young men and women serve in the U.S. Military for 20 years, risking their lives protecting freedom, and only get 50% of their pay. While politicians hold their political positions in the safe confines of the capital, protected by these same men and women, and receive full pay retirement after serving one term. It just does not make any sense.

Monday on Fox news they learned that the staffers of Congress family members are exempt from having to pay back student loans. This will get national attention if other news networks will broadcast it. When you add this to the below, just where will all of it stop? 
35 States file lawsuit against the Federal Government, Governors of 35 states have filed suit against the Federal Government for imposing unlawful burdens upon them. It only takes 38 (of the 50) States to convene a Constitutional Convention. 

This will take less than thirty seconds to read. If you agree, please pass it on. This is an idea that we should address.

For too long we have been too complacent about the workings of Congress. Many citizens had no idea that members of Congress could retire with the same pay after only one term, that they specifically exempted themselves from many of the laws they have passed (such as being exempt from any fear of prosecution for sexual harassment) while ordinary citizens must live under those laws. The latest is to exempt themselves from the Healthcare Reform... in all of its forms. Somehow, that doesn't seem logical. We do not have an elite that is above the law. I truly don't care if they are Democrat, Republican, Independent or whatever. The self-serving must stop.

If each person that receives this will forward it on to 20 people, in three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message.. This is one proposal that really should be passed around.

Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution: "Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States."

You are one of my 20.

Because this information was not all factual, I responded with this:

You need to go to the government website http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/uscongress/a/congresspay.htm) for the REAL info on Federal Congressional pensions.  Although better than what we receive, they are bound by the regulations of any Federal employee.  This text is directly from this website:
"U.S. Congress salaries and benefits have been the source of taxpayer unhappiness and myths over the years. Here are some facts for your consideration...

"Members of Congress are not eligible for a pension until they reach the age of 50, but only if they've completed 20 years of service. Members are eligible at any age after completing 25 years of service or after they reach the age of 62. Please also note that Members of Congress have to serve at least 5 years to even receive a pension.  The amount of a congressperson's pension depends on the years of service and the average of the highest 3 years of his or her salary. By law, the starting amount of a Member's retirement annuity may not exceed 80% of his or her final salary.

"According to the Congressional Research Service, 413 retired Members of Congress were receiving federal pensions based fully or in part on their congressional service as of Oct. 1, 2006. Of this number, 290 had retired under CSRS and were receiving an average annual pension of $60,972. A total of 123 Members had retired with service under both CSRS and FERS or with service under FERS only. Their average annual pension was $35,952 in 2006."
What everyone should be pissed about is the fact they can vote to raise their own salaries AND DO!  When the rest of us are not getting any cost of living raises the Congress, by a law they passed in 1989, get an automatic cost of living increase EVERY year.  The only way to stop that is for them to vote to stop it which I don't believe has happened since 2000.  You really want to get pissed!?  This is an excerpt from an article talking about our 27th Amendment:  (http://progressivethink.com/?p=2193
"However, in 1989, Congress passed an amendment allowing themselves automatic Cost of Living Allowance raises, unless lawmakers specifically vote to reject the raise. So, unless Congress specifically votes to refuse COLA increases, they get them without regard to having to wait “until an election of Representatives shall have intervened” as the Constitution stipulates.

"It is interesting to note that congressional salaries in 1989 were at $89,500. In 1990 they jumped to $96,600 for the House and $98,400 for the Senate. In 1991 they equalized after jumping to a whopping $125,100. The ratification of the languishing 27th Amendment followed that obscene act of self-enrichment. However, in 2009 members of both houses were paid $174,000, with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid getting “leadership pay” of $223,500.

"Over the years Congress has exempted itself from numerous laws that pertain to the people or the rest of government..."
YES...We do need a 28th Amendment to negate the 27th and stipulate that Federally Elected Representatives have to abide by the same laws and restrictions as the rest of us.  It should also be worded in such a way to prevent earmarked pork spending and special interest lobbying.  If we are going to pursue changing our Constitution, we need to get our facts straight.  Those bastards in Congress rely on our stupidity and therefore dismiss pushes like this one as uninformed and without factual basis.

Finally, I decided to forward the following response to several of my regulars to demonstrate the anger and frustration abounding in our country today over Congressional behavior and total lack of responsibility:

Hello, Everyone...
I started my blog http://reachingdeafears.blogspot.com/ to blow off steam about all the inequities that Congress shoves down our throats in an effort to line their pockets.  Reaching Deaf Ears...came about because YOU CANNOT GET ANY OF THESE MEN AND WOMEN TO ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR EXISTENCE LET ALONE DISCUSS ISSUES and they are getting rich at our expense while their greed is making irreparable cracks in our Constitution. 
I am VERY angry and I hope everyone of you are too.  Forward my blog to everyone you know and spout off there.  Maybe someone will listen if enough citizens are heard!

'nuff said...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Bedtime Story

Looking at my family’s ancestrial tree, one sees a lot of hard working, poor people over the past 300 years but few politicians, military officers, attorneys and such.  Simply stated, whenever peaceful options digressed to shooting in this country, someone kin to me usually landed in the first wall of defense between our American Flag and a bullet.  The following story, told from our perspective, has been passed down from parent to child through all those generations, a perfect paradigm justifying why our family chooses to pay in blood to defend our country and the freedoms we cherish…

In 1776, the unlikliest group of allies in the history of man…rich people, poor people, land owners, small farmers, generals, foot soldiers, hunters, scouts, Christians, Catholics, Puritans, Diests and more…had an epiphany and penned the Constitution of the United States of America accompanied by our Bill of Rights.

These documents were miracles in an age of differences.  Thirteen diverse and self-governing colonies, suffocating under the ‘by your leave’ Coercive Acts of King George III of England, put aside their biases and created a new government.  “We the people of the United States…” and “…in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers” echoed hope to all the world that people with different creeds and cultural heritages could live together freely and peacefully under one government. 

A couple of hundred years before this milestone in history, settlers had flocked to the ‘New World’ despite all the hardships inheritant in crossing a vast expanse of water in tiny wooden ships.  They must have cringed thinking about the adversities facing them in an unsettled wilderness...no crops, no housing, no one to defend them from unimagineable perils.  Yet, they chose to come, with all the inherent dangers, to live a dream where no government dictated their lives, to be able to speak freely without recourse, to worship beyond the reach of inquisitors, and to call themselves landowners.  They came by the hundreds, each with their own agenda, dug in with blood and sweat, built their homes, raised their crops and taught their children and their children’s children the value of being liberated and beholding to no one.

After overthrowing England’s totalitarian rule in 1783, representatives from the 13 colonies, by compromise and selflessness, invented a government to maintain strength in unity while guaranteeing individuality to its states.  They segmented its design into three separate and powerful branches, each balanced by its ability to control the others.  Most importantly, those freedoms ingrained by their ancestors were guaranteed to everyone by this new and unique democracy.  It was genius.  Lessons passed from father to son and mother to daughter through generations of struggle paid off.  The Consitution had been forged by 1787 and the United States of America was born.  The first Congress, as promised by the authors of this great document, amended it to include, in writing, the freedoms we enjoy today.  These changes are referred to as The Bill of Rights…

It’s quite a story and we will continue to pass it on to our children despite today's elected officials' attempts to legislate their personal beliefs and propensity for diversity instead of unity…

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Don't Be an Idiot!  Know the Facts!

Perry is spinning tales about the Texas budget deficit.  By understating the actual figures, he is trying to justify not raising taxes.(http://www.texasobserver.org/forrestforthetrees/krugman-gets-it-right-on-texas-budget-crisis)

TO GOVERNOR PERRY:  “Listen, Bud, the public will eventually wise up to your little ‘Texas Two-Step’!!!  If we are simply facing a 10% budget short fall thanks to your wonderful fiscal policies, someone better reinvent the math!  (http://billwhitefortexas.com/HEcuts.pdf.)

“Also, your grandeur attitude about your position is getting old…years ago.  Surprisingly, Texas does not have a government by the governor, of the governor and for the governor’s friends.  If paying a little higher tax rate will save thousands of teachers’ jobs and avoid plunging our already bottom ranking school system further into the brink, let’s do it!  You might even save an overtaxed social services system further strain by NOT throwing a bunch of qualified teachers on the unemployment roles.”