Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Just a short note today:  Congress is again trying to HACK EVERYTHING BUT THEIR OWN INFLATED, PORK INFESTED BUDGET!  Why?  Because they want the American people to provide them with every luxury while they are in office and after they leave.

From the people who hang their coats to child care to salaries to benefit and retirement packages...Our Congress can and HAS voted themselves every imaginable dream item they can fantasize!  They do it silently, without advertisement or a cursory thought about who is paying for their luxuries.  

YET...these same men and women put on a good show when the media is in their face...empathetic, protectors of the Constitution, hard working servants of the people....Yeah Right!  They are a bunch of the richest men and women hacking away at the programs protecting America's elderly, poor, military and unemployed!  Robin Hoods they are not.  Their motto should be, "Take from the poor and downtrodden and shove the plunder into our pockets!"

If you do not believe the truth of this blog, go to the last budget passed by a US Congress and read it...ALL OF IT. (a)  If it doesn't shock and make you nauseated, then you must be very wealthy or an elected official...

(a)  http://www.senate.gov/CRSReports/crs-publish.cfm?pid='0E%2C*PL%5B%3D%23P%20%20%0A

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