Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fannie Mae Exec's Make Big Bucks ON MY BACK!

Good morning everyone!  Just got off the phone with Congressman Marchant's and Senator Cornyn's offices.  It's been two weeks since anyone contacted my husband and I concerning our mortgage debacle.  Although the timing factor involved in our Fannie Mae issue has always been a pressing point in our interaction with our 'elected' reps' representatives, (we doubt the honorable gentlemen have ever been made privy to our problems), neither Senator Cornyn's or Kenny Marchant's guys seem the least bit concerned at the turtle pace things are progressing. 

In our conversation this morning, Mr. Clifton, Senator Cornyn's go-between, said he was going to give it 30 days!  Asking him to follow up  was like issuing him a mandate to have a root canal.  Although he finally did agree to call them today, he said their response may not be for a couple of weeks!  I felt like a starving peasant, on my knees, in front of a glutonous monarch, begging for a pittance of bread!  Somethings not right about this whole process!

I am beginning to see a lot of the 'wax build up' blocking our representatives' hearing is the layers of multiple assistants.  OMG!  How many deaf ears do I have to penetrate!

But I'm rambling...AGAIN.  Sorry...

A friend, knowing our plight, called yesterday and referred me to a news piece she had read about the outrageous compensation Fannie and Freddie executives are getting.  Sure enough, I check it out and immediately became very, VERY, VVEERRYY ANGRY!

Over 150 BILLION of our tax dollars, (which we all know is as worthless as yesterday's garbage), was used to bail out the big F's when the government took over their operations back in 2008.  To add injury to insult, their top six executives made in excess of $34 MILLION in 2009 and 2010 and they did NOT meet their performance targets! (c)  If they had, the top execs would have gotten more!  This information and the following excerpt was taken from an article by Ben Rooney, April 1st, 2011. (a)  

"He (Steve Linick) also said the agency lacks "key controls" needed to monitor the ongoing compensation decisions under the companies' current approved packages."     Mr. Linick,  the inspector general for the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), was testifying at a Congressional hearing about these abuses when he made this comment. 

WELLLLLLLL...This picture is nauseating at the least.  A bunch of elected officials with deaf ears approved a bail out with OUR TAX DOLLARS of two privately traded companies responsible for raping the American financial system, have little control over their astronomical compensations, allow them to set regulations that denied my husband and I a measley reduction in our interest rate (not a bail out!), THEN let them take all the time in the world to respond to our life altering dilemma.

"The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then. It is like a storm in the atmosphere."  Thomas Jefferson, letter to Abigail Adams, February 22, 1787 (b) ...Where's my gun...!?


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